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Image by Brooke Cagle


Brands For Good


How does it work?

Our Brand Audit service is a 3-step process that includes analysis,

recommendations and an implementation call.

Who is it for?

For Change-Maker businesses of all sizes


  • 1 x 60-min 1:1 online Brand Analysis Call

  • Call record

  • Summary Report (PDF/ Notion Access)

  • 1 x 30 min 1:1 online Clarity Call


5 days



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Brands For Good


How does it work?

We believe that brands have the power to drive meaningful change.
Through our program, we help brands to develop a strategy that connects their purpose to their customers. 

A strong brand is essential for businesses that want to succeed in today's competitive market. With a well-crafted brand strategy and design, impactful businesses and visionary leaders can establish an outstanding brand that aligns with their values, helps build a loyal tribe, and inspires people to join their mission. A strong brand can differentiate a business from its competitors, increase customer loyalty, and ultimately drive profits. By creating a brand strategy that reflects your business's unique identity and designing visual elements that capture the essence of your brand, you can establish a powerful and impactful presence in the market.

Whether you're a startup or an established business, a complex brand strategy and design can help to take your business to the next level.

This is a deep-dive, a complex program where we build a strong brand foundation, identify the brand's main pillars, and set the business on a trajectory of success. Afterwards, we create the brand identity visual system.

The Holistic Brand Journey Steps


01 Brand Clarity

02 Brand Design

03 Brand Activation


Who is it for?

For established Change-Maker businesses seeking to rebrand, Startups looking for a strong foundation


01 Brand Clarity

For conscious businesses, brand strategy is not just about creating a logo or designing a catchy tagline. It goes much deeper, encompassing the very essence of what the business stands for and the impact it aims to make in the world. By developing a well-defined brand strategy, conscious businesses can effectively communicate their purpose, values, and unique offerings to their target audience.

Results & Deliverables:

  • Brand Strategy Workshop

  • Templates & Workbooks

  • Call records

  • Brand Roadmap Book

  • Brand Visual Direction Workshop

  • Brand & Company Audit

  • Brand Positioning & Value Proposition

  • Brand Messaging

  • Brand Story

  • Competitor & Market Analysis

  • Target Customer & Buyer Persona Analysis

  • Brand personality (archetypes)

  • Brand Experience journey

  • Creative Brand Art direction

02 Brand Design

As a result of the branding design process, every business gets its unique brand blueprint, a toolkit that helps consistency. By crafting a look and feel that resonates with your ideal audinece, you can create a powerful and recognizable visual presence that will help your business stand out from the competition.

Results & Deliverables:

  • Brand Design Workshop

  • Moodboards & Stylescape

  • Logo-suite

  • Icons and patterns

  • Color palette & Hierarchy

  • Typography system

  • Website visual direction

  • Social media templates

  • Brand Guideline

Optional add-ons based on business needs:

  • Social media templates

  • Social media covers, banners

  • Website concept design

  • Business cards

  • Package design


Brand Activation


Brand activation involves bringing your brand to life and ensuring that it reflects the same values and message everywhere. Through strategic marketing, you can effectively reach your target audience, drive business, increase sales and profits, and build a loyal customer base.

Results & Deliverables:

  • Marketing Audit

  • User Persona Behavior Analysis

  • Customer Journey Mapping & Website Audit

  • Marketing Strategy & Plan (Channels, Content, KPIs, budget)

  • Content Planning & Distribution Strategy (focusing on organic reach)



from 12 weeks

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Discovery Call

Brands For Good

Holistic Brand Design

How does it work?

Starting a business can be a challenging journey, especially at the beginning when we often have limited resources and a tight budget. Building a strong brand is crucial for success, but it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start.

That's where a small brand kit comes in. With our strategic brand sprint process we provide clarity and establish a comprehensive brand kit that aligns with your values and will resonate with your ideal clients.

A small brand kit is a condensed version of a full branding package, designed specifically for small businesses and entrepreneurs who need to establish their brand quickly and efficiently. With a small brand kit, you can create a cohesive and professional brand identity that sets you apart from your competitors, without breaking the bank.

A brand kit is a collection of visual elements that represent your brand, including your logo, color palette, typography, and other design elements.

Who is it for?

For established Change-Maker businesses seeking to rebrand, Start-ups looking for a strong foundation.

For conscious businesses, brand strategy is not just about creating a logo or designing a catchy tagline. It goes much deeper, encompassing the very essence of what the business stands for and the impact it aims to make in the world. By developing a well-defined brand strategy, conscious businesses can effectively communicate their purpose, values, and unique offerings to their target audience.


The Processs

Our process begins by exploring ideas that match your Brand Strategy through creating mood boards, analyzing competitor and inspiring brands. We aim to find a visual style that aligns with your brand's goals and personality, defining an overall look and feel that conveys your unique brand message.


01 Strategy Session

The project kicks off with an online meeting to review the brief and address any initial questions, setting the stage for all creative the creative work.

02 Research

This step involves analyzing industry trends, competitors, and styles to ensure our design aligns with the brand strategy. We then create mood boards that visually represent these insights.


03 Revision & Brainstorming

In a 30-40 minute Brand Visual Foundation Workshop, we review research findings and collaboratively refine the art direction.


04 Final Visual Direction

In a 30-40 minute presentation showcasing the final stylescape, encapsulating the brand's comprehensive visual strategy.


  • Competitor and inspiring brand research

  • 2-3 Moodboards

  • 1 Final stylescape with brand style direction (logo, font style color palette suggestions)


The Processs

As a result of the branding design process, every business gets its unique brand blueprint, a toolkit that helps consistency. By crafting a look and feel that resonates with your ideal audinece, you can create a powerful and recognizable visual presence that will help your business stand out from the competition. 

From creating a custom made logo kit to finalizing the typography and color system, we make sure that every aspect of your brand is cohesive and consistent across all digital and printed materials. The end result is a comprehensive brand toolkit that makes it easy for you to maintain consistency and manage your brand going forward.



01 Concept Design

Based on the results of the first phase we develop the brand identity concept, including logo, color palettes, typography, and other key design elements to ensure a unified brand presence.

02 Revision Session

A 30-60 minutes online consultation to discuss the concept design.

03 Refinement

Refining design elements based on feedback and demonstrating their application across various touchpoints, including digital and print platforms like social media and banners.

04 Revision Session

A 30-60 minutes online consultation to discuss the concept design.

05 Established Brand Identity

We complete the design elements, compile the brand guidelines, and prepare both digital and print-ready files to establish a comprehensive brand hub.


  • Logo suite including:

  • Primary logotype, Secondary logo, Brandmark, and Website Favicon

  • Color palette & Color hierarchy system

  • Typography system

  • 3D Mockup brand collateral examples

  • 10 Social media post template design

  • Social media cover templates

  • Photography guide

  • Brand Guideline book

  • Canva Brand Kit

Optional Adds-on

  • Design materials based on custom needs:

        Custom email signature template, Pitch-deck template, E-book template,

        Proposal template, Additional banners, Ad design...etc​


from 8 weeks



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Discovery Call

Brands For Good


How does it work?

Are you an agency or company looking to enhance your visual communication without the need to hire a full-time designer? My Fractional Graphic Designer package offers the perfect solution. With a flexible monthly retainer, you can have a professional graphic designer on your team, just a fraction of the time, but with all the expertise and creativity as if I'm right there in your office.

What you get

  • Dedicated Design Time
    Secure a set number of hours each month exclusively for your projects. Whether it's creating new designs or refreshing existing ones, I’m here to bring your vision to life.

  • Broad Skill Set
    Benefit from a wide range of services including branding, digital and print design, infographics, social media graphics, and more. No need to juggle multiple freelancers — get all your design needs met in one place.

  • Cost-Effective
    Enjoy the benefits of a professional graphic designer without the overhead costs associated with full-time employment. This package is designed to be cost-effective, helping you manage your budget more efficiently.

Book a a consultation call to discuss your needs, goals,

and how I can best serve your projects.

Discovery Call

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